
The Story of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

An Exhibit at the Vermont Marble Museum

Honoring the fallen of America’s wars, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery is an icon to which many travel to pay their respects.

The Vermont Marble Museum tells the fascinating story of the creation of this shrine, from the quarrying of the block of pure white marble to the carving in Proctor, and final delivery by rail to Arlington Memorial Cemetery. Upon entering the display, visitors see original documents and photography from the design of the Tomb, a panoramic mural of Arlington National Cemetery, and a glimpse into the modern-day Changing of the Guard Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington, VA.

Showing daily in the Museum’s Theater is a stirring, patriotic ten-minute documentary: “America’s Eternal Flame: The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier”.